My Friend, Billy
You have likely had a relationship in your lifetime where you have tried to quantify the bond you shared...
You have likely had a relationship in your lifetime where you have tried to quantify the bond you shared...
Nestled into rolling hills, where strawberries and smiles are omnipresent, there is a village of approximately two-hundred Thai people. With the...
Traffic, and scooters everywhere…just like you read about, and how some of the travelers we met had described their encounters...
There are amazing people in this world, and along our travels we have come across some truly impressive people: I...
Whisky: Sometimes we enjoy a good splurge…whether it be on an amazing safari experience or a great glass of whisky,...
A huge theme from the places we have stayed, and the people we have met during our month-plus trip throughout New...
Laurel and I dove into a ‘workaway’ program in the small town of Glenroy, New Zealand for two weeks. According to...
Once in a while on this trip we are caught off guard…sometimes that may happen when you accidentally take a...
Use right hand for directional…no for the 5th time the directional is not on the left side of the...
Prior to leaving on our journey Laurel and I spoke of many “what if” scenarios, and the actions we would...
an opportunity to explore