Striving for self-sufficiency, sustainability, and reuse
A huge theme from the places we have stayed, and the people we have met during our month-plus trip throughout New Zealand is that they push for sustainability and self-sufficiency. Certainly, one of our hopes coming back home in a few months is to adopt some of these habits and best practices into our daily lives.
1. you have the kiwi long drop…
2. Solar powered cottage
3. Fruit galore at the bed and breakfast we worked at (picked boysenberries, raspberries, plums, etc.)
4. Free range eggs…best eggs you’ll ever eat:
5. Lots of space in your backyard…grow grapes to sell to a vineyard…
6 & 7. Trees fall from earthquakes…a new outdoor dining table or firewood:
8. Farm to table (table pictured above): Meat was raised and prepared on farm, and all accompanying vegetables (not pictured here) were also grown on site.
There is always more that we can do to be less wasteful all while utilizing more of the resources we currently have. We certainly won’t go home and start our own farm (in the immediate future at least), but this stage of our trip has certainly helped to influence our drive to becoming more resourceful people.