My Friend, Billy


Billy, Nana, Laurel, and myself Emerald Isle, NC June 2013

Billy, Nana, Laurel, and myself
Emerald Isle, NC June 2013

You have likely had a relationship in your lifetime where you have tried to quantify the bond you shared with another individual.  Or, where you attempted to identify the qualities of the friendship that matter most to you.  But, in the end your efforts to express these attributes fall far short of the powerful thoughts running through your head.

I had that type of relationship with Billy.

Billy never heard a word that I spoke to him, and I certainly struggled to grasp the meaning behind the language that he signed to me.  But, for all the moments where we yearned for understanding only to miss the mark, there were many more where that eagerness yielded simple, unquantifiable joy.  A walk along the sandy shores of North Carolina or the satisfaction that came from completing a puzzle…a horse puzzle of course (Billy’s favorite animal).

I will miss these special moments.  The simplicity of our friendship, and all the complex teachings that came along with that…those that I embrace, and am forever grateful for.

Rest in peace, Billy


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